The Success Mindset
By Mark Purnell, PMC-LLC Coach
Most financial advisors are highly motivated and enterprising, business people. You have had some huge successes but what got you here is not going to get you there, so get ready for some real work, adapting to new circumstances, and more uncomfortable personal growth.
About 20 years ago, in a group environment, one of my coaches pulled me aside and said the following:
“Mark, you are going to have the toughest job in the room
moving to the next level because of all of the successes that
you have enjoyed, and what you have learned is going to be
obsolete and useless going forward.”
Right then, I knew I was going to have to fly differently. Just like the bumblebee flies differently from an airplane.
I’ve always used coaches to help me with my life and business, and this coach provided valuable insight. In that room, I was the only African American person in the room, and I responded, “Well tell me something I don’t know. Because I know it ain’t about me being black.”… or that is what I thought. That’s when he said something that changed the way I saw personal success, business success, and success in general.
“Mark, because you’ve worked so hard and you’ve experienced so much success, you can’t let go of what got you here. And what got you here today, isn’t going to help you get where you want to be tomorrow.”
It was an A-HA moment.
It helped me adopt a mindset that enabled me to reach unparalleled successes in financial services; including enjoying a practice that has allowed me to work with and learn from amazing, nationally known clients and many wealthy families. The same mindset that enabled me not to just succeed once, but to reproduce, and build upon that success…period.
I don’t know for sure what success means to you. Only you do. You have to define it. Maybe you want to just get in the green with your new practice. Maybe you already had some success, and you want to go from a half-million to a million. Or maybe you want to go from one million to multiple millions.
It’s your choice. But what I can tell you is this: no matter what your goal is, you’re going to have to let go of some things you have become comfortable with.
You’re going to have to adopt a new mindset. You’re going to have to learn new skills. You’re going to have to get uncomfortable.
But gladly, you don’t have to do it alone. That is what mentors are for. Mentors and coaches can help you see into your blind spots and bring them to light, so you can continue to grow.